Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1) Open mouth. 2) Insert foot. 3) Hop away.

Hi, Sen. Kerry! Gosh, it feels like its been awhile, hasn't it? How are you doing?

Not good? Why?

Oh. Oh dear, you really said that?

Well, of course they're responding. It's an election silly, no one loves a good pre-election gaffe like our distinguished competitors in the GOP.

Ads, too, huh? Well that's the web for ya, John. MoveOn's not the only fish in that sea, you know.

What about the Democrats, again?

They don't want to play with you now? Wow, that was fast. But it is only days until the election. It's getting really tight. It's understandable that they're all antsy.

Yes, we all know you have good intentions. But you did this before and you apparently haven't learned your lesson.

Yes, yes, I know things aren't good in Iraq and Georgie still can't wrap his head around it, let alone admit it, but you can't mouth off like that. Or at least not without explicitly stating that the poor students will be President, not sent to Iraq.

Yes, I know they won't actually be President, I was just saying you could have-

Hey! I am not in politics, I'm a blogger. I can say unclear and/or misunderstood statements any old time I want. Just 'cause you screwed up, you can't whine at me and shift focus to me like that. It doesn't work. And name calling doesn't help either.

Mr. Senator?


Hey, loser!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just trying to get your attention. Your righteous indignation was getting a little loud.

Why you don't go over there and sit quietly with your advisers for awhile. Maybe work on your plans for the next election, OK?

Good boy. Have a cookie, it's will give your mouth something to do while we try and fix this.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Where are we now?

In honor of 9-11, everyone got up on their soapboxes and spoke to the masses. Does it really surprise anyone that the words haven't changed, the speakers haven't changed, and the situation hasn't changed.

In five years, what the hell have we accomplished? What have we gained? Where have we gone?

I feel a longer rant coming on, but in the meantime, here's Keith Olbermann's.

Works for me.

Friday, June 16, 2006

We're in recess...

In case you hadn't noticed, I've been a bit remiss in my cawing on this blog... Life's been interfering a bit.
I'll be back soon, pecking away, but for now, I'm plucked.
Take care, and pay no attention to the little politicians behind the curtain- I'm sure someone will drop a house on them soon....

And in the meantime, flap over to or Creator's Syndicate and check out some of Molly Ivins' work. Funny gal, I kinda like her. And she's local, so there's that, too.

The GOP's faulty moral compass.