Friday, March 03, 2006

Head in the sand... Approval numbers, what approval numbers?

Everyone on the left side of the aisle is having a field day with the new polling data that came out this week on our favorite ostritch, Georgie. Dropping to a new low, our President's approval rating sits at a paltry mid-30's (depending on which poll you're looking at).

President Bush is polling with Nixon's numbers. That's gotta hurt.

A sign? One would hope, but then this one's been hoping for awhile and has been sorely disappointed before. I, frankly, see no reason to hope that these numbers will permeate through the sand the President has shoved his head into (down to his waist, it seems sometimes). Why?

"If I worried about polls, I wouldn't be doing my job." Bush's own words in his interview with Elizabeth Vargas on Tuesday night. (Thanks,!)

Oh, dear. Last time I checked, Mr. President, the people being polled were the people who elected you. Elected you to do a job. Elected you to protect us, shelter us, lead us, and support us. So if we don't think you're doing your job- why do you?

Yes, over-pandering to the whims of capricious polls is a BAD IDEA. Up, down, up, down, it would be chaos and irresponsible to quiver every time the wind changes direction.

But your numbers have been falling for months, Georgie. This is not a temporary dip. Your strongest numbers used to be your truthfulness and your security numbers. They used to withstand most of the fluctuations in your approval rating with steadfast triumph. Even if we thought you an idiot, we thought you meant well, were (more or less) honest with us, and would protect us as bet you could. No more.

More than half the country no longer trusts you. More than half the country no longer trusts your handling of Iraq. More than 70% of the country thinks you're a tool for big business and could care less about those of us who work for them. (OK, not the exact wording, but you're getting my point, right? Right? Damn. I used an actual number, I think I lost him.)

Georgie, how you gonna do that job we think you can't do when we remove you from it?