Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You spin me right 'round...

Can someone in the administration define "Civil War" for us, please?
'Cause I don't think they can.
And if you're unveiling a bold new vision, don't you think it should be, well, new?
And telling us you're listening to us isn't the same as actually doing it.

Ug, the last few weeks, Georgie's been on another popularity kick, trying to appease the base and win back, well everyone who's jumped ship since the beginning of the year. And lately it's been all about Iraq, big surprise. After former PM Ayad Allawi, called the current sectarian violence "civil war," Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld all rushed to the press podium to refute the claim. Only it doesn't seem like anyone's really listening anymore, with casualties amongst the Iraqis still on the rise, and the new gov't's seeming inability to even form a coherent government.

Yet, the Bush camp remains hopeful, and really they can't afford to seem anything else. We are almost back to the "everything's fine, please ignore the fanatic bombers behind the curtain" sunny-days of old.

Which is in stark contrast to the image The White House is trying to portray. While we haven't had any more "mistakes were made" admissions from the top, Georgie's been trying to show he's still listening, he's still in control, and he understands our concerns.

And one has to wonder if the resignation of CoS Andrew Card will have any effect, let alone the "shake-up" everyone's been hoping for.

Here's to more waiting and watching....

Ed. 4-2-06